According to latest report from giant South Korea's company Galaxy S5 launch date is set to be sometime in April. Earlier its said that Samsung Galaxy S5 will debut at MWC 2014, but this time company's mobile executive VP has confirmed the launch date.
Additionally Samsung also said that they would be soon rolling out an updated Galaxy Note line by the third quarter of the year and is likely to be considering a "three-sided display" to allow for visibility from multiple angles.
Moreover its also said that Samsung's next gen Galaxy S5 flagship will power a all new version of Android on the board, and it will also feature a pastel color scheme and thinner fonts.
Its said that Samsung Galaxy S5 would come with all new eye-scanner technology in evaluation to Apple's finger print scanner. The Galaxy S5 is likely to reveal in April and along with it next-gen Galaxy Gear smartwatch would also debut. The new version of the Galaxy Gear smartwatch would feature "more advanced functions, and the bulky design will also be improved" LeeYoung-hee, company's mobile executive VP said this.
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